Saturday, September 18, 2010

Umar Loves Cricket

There used to be a Pakistani blogger who's blog was named Omar Loves Cricket. I would like to think he is out there somewhere with a bit of a smile on his face.

Umar Gul gave us a great example of how you only need a small number of really good deliveries to generate great figures.

Funny old game, cricket.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Wish You Were Here/There

You have to admire some peoples determination to have fun, even at something as unexciting as the Champions League.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

At Least Someone Is Excited

I have noticed a lack of energy and enthusiasm in the cricketing blogosphere of late.  Could be too much cricket. Could be too much crap cricket. Might be that the fix has gone in. Maybe we are all just saving our energy for the Ashes.

Whatever the reasons they don't apply to Cameron Borgas and Tom Cooper of South Australia. Scoring 24 of 7 balls to win is good grounds for a cuddle and if CD can manufacture an unlikely win I might just get a bit touchy feely myself.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Spring Clean Time

I know you Northern Hemispherians are slowly moving towards the dark times but we in the south are cheering up considerably.

In the spirit of spring it is time I got my act together and updated this blog. It is time for new contacts, new features and even the Lion of Huddersfield has to make way for a slightly better batsman at the head of the page.

Over the course of this week I will be chopping and changing things and I would really appreciate any input you might have over what you would like to see when you visit. I am especially looking to update the blogroll, so if you have a great cricket blog, or you know of one you can't live without, leave a comment with the link and I will share with the world.