Sunday, September 21, 2008

Andre The Giant - Hitter

Just another Kiwi with a bit of talent, if a slightly questionable attitude, plying his trade off shore. Good luck to him I say - Go big son, go big.


Anonymous said...

Slightly questionable?? Nice euphamism there MD.

Good luck to him on the county circuit. It's his standard...

Jrod said...

Talking about his slightly questionable attitude.

Eyelids Pattinson got out Surrey batsman Newman, and then gave him a dandenong goodbye, newman wasn't happy and he walked off having a go, so andre started abusing him, and it got to a point where they had to hold him back as it looked like he was going to slug newman.

Anonymous said...

There are many first class cricketers in NZ who can tell you tales of Andre and his foul mouth. His particular specialty is the "new boy".

Anonymous said...

That all adds up.

Yet I remember watching a very young Angry Mark working him over at the Basin prob about 5 years ago.

Andre got very grumpy.

Soulberry said...

He can tonk the ball all right.